Welcome to Nebula Voices, we provide complex solutions for voice over related projects.
300 + voice talents
30 + langauges
Our Services
Our extensive voice pool of very experienced professionals is a guarantee that you will find voice matching your requirements and your message will be understood and well-received. We cooperate with multiple agencies and can offer voice over recording, talent casting, translation and quality check in 30 languages. We can create a pitch perfect result for you for no matter what is your preferred language, gender or budget.

Voice overs
Talent casting

Languages that we work in include:
- American English - British English
- Chinese Cantonese - Chinese Mandarin
- Croatian - Czech - Dainish - Dutch
- Estonian - Finnish- French European
- French Canadian - German - Greek
- Hungarian - Italian - Japanese - Latvian
- Latin American Spanish - Lithuanian
- Brasilian Portuguese - European Portuguese
- Polish - Romanian - Russian- Serbian
- Slovak - Slovenian - Spanish- Turkish
What are our greatest features?
Cost effectiveness:
We have a large pool of over 300 of voice talents so we would be able to find the right person for your project no matter what is your prefered language, gender or price range.
All in one place:
If necessary- we would be able to make the entire project for you from translation through voice recording to quality check.
Save time and money:
Instead of hiring many agencies (translations bureau, voice talent agency etc.) you can leave this to us and pay the comission just once.
Working with us is easy, fast and affordable.

Interested in cooperating with us? Contact us on info@nebulavoices.com if you would like to know some more details or would like to get a quotation.
We are operating from Monday to Friday from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
You can reach us via:
e-mail: info@nebulavoices.com
Wattsapp: 0048 792 850 521